var gsNoTopics="No results found"; var gsLoadXmlFailed="Failed to load XML file"; var gsInitDatabaseFailed="Failed to initialize database"; var gsInvalidExpression="The search string you typed is not valid."; var gsSearching="Searching..."; var gsCancel="Cancel"; var gsCanceled="Canceled"; var gsSubstrSrch=0; var g_RunesVowels="\u0061\u0065\u0069\u006F\u0075\u0079"; var g_RunesWordBreaks="\u0001\u0002\u0003\u0004\u0005\u0006\u0007\u0008\u0009\u000A\u000B\u000C\u000D\u000E\u000F\u0010\u0011\u0012\u0013\u0014\u0015\u0016\u0017\u0018\u0019\u001A\u001B\u001C\u001D\u001E\u001F\u0022\u005C\u0020\u002E\u002C\u0021\u0040\u0023\u0024\u0025\u005E\u0026\u002A\u0028\u0029\u007E\u0027\u0060\u003A\u003B\u003C\u003E\u003F\u002F\u007B\u007D\u005B\u005D\u007C\u002B\u002D\u003D\u0081\u0082\u0083\u0084\u0085\u0086\u0087\u0088\u0089\u008A\u008B\u008C\u008D\u008E\u008F\u0090\u0091\u0092\u0093\u0094\u0095\u0096\u0097\u0098\u0099\u009A\u009B\u009C\u009D\u009E\u009F\u00A1\u00A9\u00AB\u00AE\u00B7\u00BB\u00BF\u00A0\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200A\u2028\u2029\u202F\u205F\u3000"; var g_RunesWhiteSpaces="\u0020\u0009\u000D\u000A\u00A0\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200A\u2028\u2029\u202F\u205F\u3000"; var g_RunesSpecialBreaks = ",!@#$%^&*()~'`:;<>?/{}[]|+-=" ; var g_RunesQuote='\x22'; var g_RunesHelSuffixes=new Array("ed,0","ingly,0","ings,0","ing,0","ly,1","s,1","e,1"); var gsHLColorFront="#000000"; var gsHLColorBackground="#b2b4bf"; var gsResultDivID="searchResList"; var gbReady=false; var gbXML=false; var gbWhFHost=false; var g_CurState = null; var g_CurPage = 1; var g_nMaxPages = 3 ; var g_sQuestion=''; var g_bServerResult=false; var gSearchDataFolderName = "whxdata"; var gFtsFileName = "whfts.xml"; var gbANDSearch = 0; var gstrSyn = ""; var gbSearchInitialized = false; function initializeSearch() { var searchText = GetSearchTextFromURL(), searchedText = rh.model.get(rh.consts('KEY_SEARCHED_TERM')); gbSearchInitialized = true; initSearchPage(); if (rh.util.isUsefulString(searchText) && searchText != searchedText) { rh.model.publish(rh.consts('KEY_SEARCH_TERM'), searchText); doSearch(); } } function doSearch() { var searchText = rh.model.get(rh.consts('KEY_SEARCH_TERM')); if(searchText) { rh.model.publish(rh.consts('KEY_SEARCHED_TERM'), searchText, {sync: true}); rh.model.publish(rh.consts('EVT_SEARCH_IN_PROGRESS'), true, {sync: true}); rh.model.publish(rh.consts('KEY_SEARCH_PROGRESS'), 0, {sync: true}); initSearchPage(); readSetting(RHANDSEARCH, callbackAndSearchFlagRead); } else { rh.model.publish(rh.consts('EVT_SEARCH_IN_PROGRESS'), false, {sync: true}); rh.model.publish(rh.consts('KEY_SEARCH_PROGRESS'), null, {sync: true}); } } function callbackAndSearchFlagRead(andFlag) { if(andFlag == TRUESTR) gbANDSearch = 1; else if(andFlag = FALSESTR) gbANDSearch = 0; if(rh.model.get(rh.consts('KEY_SEARCHED_TERM'))) { displaySearchProgressBar(0); loadFts_context(); } } function registListener( a_Context, a_this ) { } // Dirty - This function is copied from mhtopic.js. // TODO: Find a way to eliminate 2 copies of the same code. function IsStopWord(sCW,aFtsStopArray) { var nStopArrayLen=aFtsStopArray.length; var nB=0; var nE=nStopArrayLen-1; var nM=0; var bFound=false; var sStopWord=""; while(nB<=nE){ nM=(nB+nE); nM>>=1; sStopWord=aFtsStopArray[nM]; if(compare(sCW,sStopWord)>0){ nB=(nB==nM)?nM+1:nM; }else{ if(compare(sCW,sStopWord)<0){ nE=(nE==nM)?nM-1:nM; }else{ bFound=true; break; } } } return bFound; } ////////////// ODIN FULL-TEXT SEARCH-------------------------------------- // Odin global variables------------------------ var context = new HuginContext(); var goOdinHunter = null; // XmlUtility.js-------------------------------- var theXmlReader = new XmlReader(); function XmlNode() { this.strTagName = null; this.aAttrs = new Array(); } function XmlData() { this.strFilePath = null; this.strRoot = null; this.aNodes = new Array(); } function XmlReader() { this.strFilePath = null; //in this.funcCallback = null; //in this.bSucceed = false; //out this.xmlDoc = null; this.aCache = new Array(); this.bCache = false; this.curData = null; this.loadFromCache = function() { for ( var i = 0; i < this.aCache.length; i++ ) { if ( this.aCache[i].strFilePath == this.strFilePath ) { this.curData = this.aCache[i]; return true; } } return false; } this.loadFromFile = function(a_Context, a_funcCallback, a_bCache ) { this.bSucc = false; this.funcCallback = a_funcCallback; this.bCache = ( a_bCache == true ) ? true : false; if ( this.loadFromCache() ) { this.funcCallback(); return; } //loadDataXML( this.strFilePath,false ); var sCurrentDocPath = _getPath(document.location.href); var sdocPath = _getFullPath(sCurrentDocPath, this.strFilePath); var fileName = _getRelativeFileName(sCurrentDocPath, sdocPath); a_Context.pause(); xmlJsReader.loadFile(fileName, function(a_xmlDoc, args){ if(a_xmlDoc != null) putDataXML(a_xmlDoc, sdocPath); else { onLoadXMLError(); } setTimeout("context.resume()", 1); }); } this.receiveDom = function( a_XmlDoc ) { this.curData = null; if ( a_XmlDoc.documentElement == null ) return; this.curData = new XmlData(); this.curData.strFilePath = this.strFilePath; with( a_XmlDoc.documentElement ) { this.curData.strRoot = tagName; for ( var i = 0; i < childNodes.length; i++ ) { with( a_XmlDoc.documentElement.childNodes.item( i ) ) { if( nodeType == 3 ) continue; var nLen = this.curData.aNodes.length; this.curData.aNodes[nLen] = new XmlNode(); this.curData.aNodes[nLen].strTagName = tagName; for ( var j = 0; j < attributes.length; j++ ) { this.curData.aNodes[nLen].aAttrs[attributes.item( j ).name] = attributes.item( j ).value; } } } } if ( this.bCache ) { this.aCache[this.aCache.length] = this.curData; } } this.getNumOfNodes = function() { return this.curData.aNodes.length ; } this.getNumOfTopics = function(i) { with( this.curData ) { if( i < aNodes.length) { var num ; try { num = parseInt(aNodes[i].aAttrs["num"]); } catch(e) { return 0 ; } return num ; } else return 0 ; } } this.checkRoot = function( a_strRootName ) { return this.curData.strRoot == a_strRootName; } this.getSynonyms = function ( a_strQuery ) { if (gsSubstrSrch) { var synonyms = "" ; with( this.curData ) { for ( var i = 0; i < aNodes.length; i++ ) { if (aNodes[i].aAttrs["nm"].indexOf(a_strQuery) != -1) synonyms += "," + aNodes[i].aAttrs["sy"]; } } return synonyms ; } else { return this.getAttr( "wd", "nm", a_strQuery, "sy" ) ; } } this.getWordRec = function ( a_strQuery , bPhraseSearch) { if (!bPhraseSearch && IsStopWord(a_strQuery, gaFtsStop)) return ""; // Return empty if no phrase search and term is a stop word. var begin = 0 ; var end = this.curData.aNodes.length ; var mid = Math.floor((end -begin ) / 2) ; while (mid > 0 ) { mid = mid + begin ; var term = this.curData.aNodes[mid].aAttrs["nm"] ; if (a_strQuery < term) end = mid ; else if (a_strQuery > term) begin = mid ; else break ; mid = Math.floor((end -begin ) / 2) ; } if (((end-begin) == 1)&&(!this.matchPrefix(a_strQuery,this.curData.aNodes[mid].aAttrs["nm"]))) { mid = end ; } if (mid < this.curData.aNodes.length) { if (!bPhraseSearch && gsSubstrSrch) { //get all the records with matching prefix var arrTopicRecs = new Array(); while( mid= 0)&&(a_nTopicId < this.curData.aNodes.length )) { var objResult = new Object() ; objResult.rd = this.curData.aNodes[a_nTopicId].aAttrs["rd"]; objResult.ct = this.curData.aNodes[a_nTopicId].aAttrs["ct"]; objResult.bc = this.curData.aNodes[a_nTopicId].aAttrs["bc"]; return objResult; } else return null ; } this.getPackageIndex = function (a_strQuery) { var begin = 0 ; var end = this.curData.aNodes.length - 1 ; var mid; while (begin <= end) { mid = Math.floor((begin+end)/2); var startWord = this.curData.aNodes[mid].aAttrs["fm"] ; var endWord = this.curData.aNodes[mid].aAttrs["to"] ; if (end == begin) { if ((a_strQuery >= startWord )&&(a_strQuery <= endWord)) return mid ; else return -1 ; } if (a_strQuery < startWord ) end = mid - 1 ; else if (a_strQuery > endWord ) begin = mid + 1; else return mid ; } return -1 ; } this.matchPrefix = function (a_strQuery , a_strTerm ) { if (a_strQuery.length > a_strTerm.length ) return false ; var bPrefix = true ; var i ; for (i=0; i< a_strQuery.length;i++) { if (a_strQuery.charAt(i) != a_strTerm.charAt(i)) { bPrefix = false ; break ; } } return bPrefix ; } this.getAttr = function( a_strTagName ) { var nArgsNum = this.getAttr.arguments.length; if ( nArgsNum < 2 || nArgsNum % 2 != 0 ) return ""; with( this.curData ) { for ( var i = 0; i < aNodes.length; i++ ) { if ( utf8Compare(aNodes[i].strTagName,a_strTagName) != 0 ) continue; for ( var j = 1; j + 1 < nArgsNum - 1; j += 2 ) { if ( utf8Compare(aNodes[i].aAttrs[this.getAttr.arguments[j]], this.getAttr.arguments[j + 1]) != 0 ) break; } if ( j + 1 < nArgsNum - 1 ) continue; if ( aNodes[i].aAttrs[this.getAttr.arguments[j]] ) return aNodes[i].aAttrs[this.getAttr.arguments[j]]; else continue; } return ""; } } this.checkAttr = function( a_strTagName ) { var nArgsNum = this.checkAttr.arguments.length; if ( nArgsNum < 1 || nArgsNum % 2 == 0 ) return false; with( this.curData ) { for ( var i = 0; i < aNodes.length; i++ ) { if ( utf8Compare(aNodes[i].strTagName, a_strTagName) != 0 ) continue; for ( var j = 1; j < nArgsNum - 1; j += 2 ) { if ( utf8Compare(aNodes[i].aAttrs[this.checkAttr.arguments[j]], this.checkAttr.arguments[j + 1]) != 0 ) break; } if ( j < nArgsNum - 1 ) continue; return true; } return false; } } } function putDataXML( xmlDoc, sdocPath ) { if(g_bServerResult==true) { g_bServerResult=false; // received the search result var cRoot=xmlDoc.lastChild; var cResult=new HuginQueryResult(); var nIndex=1; if(cRoot) { var cNode=cRoot.firstChild; while(cNode) { if(cNode.nodeName=="topic") { var cTopic=new Object(); cTopic.nIndex=nIndex; cTopic.strTitle=cNode.getAttribute("name"); cTopic.strUrl=cNode.getAttribute("url"); cTopic.strSummary=cNode.getAttribute("summary"); cTopic.nRank=cNode.getAttribute("rank"); cResult.aTopics[cResult.aTopics.length]=cTopic; }; cNode=cNode.nextSibling; nIndex=nIndex+1; }; }; displayTopics(cResult); }else { theXmlReader.receiveDom( xmlDoc ); theXmlReader.bSucc = true; //theXmlReader.funcCallback(); }; } function mergeTopicRec(a_strParentRec , a_strNewRec) { var arrOldRecords = a_strParentRec.split("|"); var arrNewRecords = a_strNewRec.split("|"); var mergedRec = "" ; var i = 0 ; var j = 0 ; var arrFinalRec = new Array(); while ( i< arrOldRecords.length && j < arrNewRecords.length) { var oldTopicRecord = getTopicDetails(arrOldRecords[i]); if (oldTopicRecord == null) { i++; continue ; } var newTopicRecord = getTopicDetails(arrNewRecords[j]); if (newTopicRecord == null) { j++; continue ; } if (oldTopicRecord.nTopicId < newTopicRecord.nTopicId) { arrFinalRec[arrFinalRec.length] = arrOldRecords[i] ; i++ ; } else if (oldTopicRecord.nTopicId > newTopicRecord.nTopicId) { arrFinalRec[arrFinalRec.length] = arrNewRecords[j] ; j++ ; } else { var temp = arrOldRecords[i].split(":"); var uEmphasis = (oldTopicRecord.uEmphasis > newTopicRecord.uEmphasis)?oldTopicRecord.uEmphasis:newTopicRecord.uEmphasis; var strRec = oldTopicRecord.nTopicId + "," + uEmphasis + ":" + temp [1] ; //since this will not be called in case of phrase search, we can ignore positions of other rec var tagComboId = [oldTopicRecord.tagComboId,newTopicRecord.tagComboId].filter(function(val) { return val; }).join(','); strRec += ":" + tagComboId; arrFinalRec[arrFinalRec.length] = strRec ; j++ ; i++ ; } } while (i< arrOldRecords.length) { arrFinalRec[arrFinalRec.length] = arrOldRecords[i] ; i++ ; } while (j < arrNewRecords.length) { arrFinalRec[arrFinalRec.length] = arrNewRecords[j] ; j++ ; } if (arrFinalRec.length == 0) return a_strParentRec ; mergedRec = arrFinalRec[0]; for ( i = 1 ; i < arrFinalRec.length ; i++) mergedRec += "|" + arrFinalRec[i] ; return mergedRec ; } function getTopicDetails( a_strRecord ) { var index = a_strRecord.indexOf(","); if (index == -1) return null ; var nTopicId = a_strRecord.substring(0 , index); var strTopicDetails = a_strRecord.substring(index+1,a_strRecord.length); var aShapes = strTopicDetails.split( ":" ); if ( aShapes.length == 0 ) return null; var record = new Object(); record.nTopicId = nTopicId ; record.uEmphasis = parseInt( aShapes[0] ); record.tagComboId = aShapes[2]; return record ; } function onLoadXMLError() { //For Debug & Test------ if ( window.gbTesting ) return; //---------------------- theXmlReader.bSucc = false; //theXmlReader.funcCallback(); } //////////////////////////////// function splitPathName( a_strPath ) //this utility function only fit this project. { var rslt = new Object(); rslt.strDir = ""; rslt.strFile = ""; rslt.strExt = ""; var rg1 = /^(.*[\\\/])?([^\\\/]+)(\.[^\\\/\.]*)$/; var rg2 = /^(.*[\\\/])?([^\\\/.]+)$/; var v = a_strPath.match( rg1 ); if ( v != null ) { rslt.strDir = v[1]; rslt.strFile = v[2]; rslt.strExt = v[3]; } else { v = a_strPath.match( rg2 ); rslt.strDir = v[1]; rslt.strFile = v[2]; rslt.strExt = ""; } return rslt; } function getAbsPath( a_strBasePath, a_strRelPath ) { var sf = splitPathName( a_strBasePath ); return sf.strDir + a_strRelPath; } // HuginContext.js------------------------------ function HuginContext() { this.aTasks = new Array(); this.bExecuting = false; this.bCallBack = false; this.bCallBackReady = false; this.nLastTime = 0; this.bError = false; this.bCancel = false; this.strMsg = null; this.bPause = false; this.reset = function() { this.aTasks.length = 0; this.bExecuting = false; this.bCallBack = false; this.bCallBackReady = false; this.nLastTime = 0; this.bError = false; this.bCancel = false; this.strMsg = null; this.bPause = false; } this.push = function() { var i = 0; var ttasks = new Array(); while( i < context.push.arguments.length ) { var nLen = ttasks.length; ttasks[nLen] = new Object(); ttasks[nLen].func = context.push.arguments[i]; ttasks[nLen].owner = context.push.arguments[i + 1]; i += 2; var bSuspend = false; if ( i < context.push.arguments.length && context.push.arguments[i].constructor.toString().search( /^\nfunction Boolean/ ) == 0 ) { var bSuspend = context.push.arguments[i]; ++i; } ttasks[nLen].bSuspend = bSuspend; } for ( i = ttasks.length - 1; i >= 0; --i ) context.aTasks[context.aTasks.length] = ttasks[i]; } this.pop = function() { if ( context.aTasks.length == 0 ) return null; var task = context.aTasks[context.aTasks.length - 1]; context.aTasks.length--; return task; } this.initTime = function() { context.nLastTime = ( new Date() ).getTime(); } this.needBreathe = function() { var nCurTime = ( new Date() ).getTime(); return nCurTime - context.nLastTime >= 100; } this.resume = function() { if ( context.bExecuting ) { if ( context.bCallBack ) context.bCallBackReady = true; return; } context.bExecuting = true; context.bPause = false; context.initTime(); while ( true ) { if ( context.bCancel ) { context.bExecuting = false; g_CurState = ECS_CANCELED; updateResultView(); return true; } var task = context.pop(); if ( task == null ) { //All tasks were finished. context.bExecuting = false; return true; } context.bCallBack = task.bSuspend; task.func( context, task.owner, context.resume ); //If it is not a suspend task, the 3rd argument will be ignored. if ( context.bError ) { //Failed. Stop executing. context.bExecuting = false; g_CurState = ECS_FATALERROR; updateResultView(); return; } if ( context.bCallBack && !context.bCallBackReady ) { //Callback function not finished. Give the resume right to it. context.bExecuting = false; return; } context.bCallBack = false; context.bCallBackReady = false; if( context.bPause ) { context.bExecuting = false; //updateResultView(); return; } if ( context.needBreathe() ) { //Give GUI a chance to process messages. context.bExecuting = false; updateResultView(); setTimeout( "context.resume();", 1 ); return; } } } this.pause = function() { context.bPause = true; } this.stop = function() { context.bCancel = true; } } // Base64.js------------------------------------ var XX = 127; //mark for not used var s_strBase64 = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"; var s_aAsciiToBase64 = new Array ( XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, // 00~0F XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, // 10~1F XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, 62, XX, XX, XX, 63, // 20~2F '+'=62, '/'=63 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, // 30~3F '0'=52 to '9'=61 XX, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, // 40~4F 'A'=0 to 'O'=14 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX, // 50~5F 'P'=15 to 'Z'=25 XX, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, // 60~6F 'a'=26 to 'o'=40 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, XX, XX, XX, XX, XX // 70~7F 'p'=41 to 'z'=51 ); var s_aOdinToAscii = new Array ( // the first the char is '\0', so that s_aOdinToAscii[0] means end of string '\0', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '|', ':', ',', '\0', '\0' ); var s_aBase64DecodeMap = new Array(); function _decordBase64ToStr( a_nA, a_nB ) { var uBuf = ( s_aAsciiToBase64[a_nA] << 6 ) + s_aAsciiToBase64[a_nB]; var strRslt = ""; var uCur = 0; for ( var i = 0; i <= 8; i += 4 ) { uCur = uBuf >> ( 8 - i ) & 0x000F; if ( uCur == 0 ) return strRslt; strRslt += s_aOdinToAscii[uCur]; } return strRslt; } // Decode a base64 formatted string into an odin formatted one (only contains charactors occur in s_strBase64 // [in]a_strBase64: Base64 formatted string; // RESULT: Odin formatted string; function decodeBase64ToOdin( a_strBase64 ) { var nLen = a_strBase64.length; var strRslt = ""; var str = 0; for ( var i = 0; i + 1 < nLen; i += 2 ) { str = s_aBase64DecodeMap[( a_strBase64.charCodeAt( i ) << 8 ) + a_strBase64.charCodeAt( i + 1 )]; if ( !str ) return strRslt; strRslt += str; } if ( i < nLen ) { str = s_aBase64DecodeMap[( a_strBase64.charCodeAt( i ) << 8 ) + s_strBase64.charCodeAt( 0 )]; if ( !str ) return strRslt; strRslt += str; } return strRslt; } function initBase64DecodeMap() { var i, j; for ( i = 0; i < 64; i++ ) for ( j = 0; j < 64; j++ ) s_aBase64DecodeMap[( s_strBase64.charCodeAt( i ) << 8 ) + s_strBase64.charCodeAt( j )] = _decordBase64ToStr( s_strBase64.charCodeAt( i ), s_strBase64.charCodeAt( j ) ); for ( i = 0; i < 64; i++ ) s_aBase64DecodeMap[s_strBase64.charCodeAt( i ) << 8] = _decordBase64ToStr( s_strBase64.charCodeAt( i ), s_strBase64.charCodeAt( 0 ) ); } initBase64DecodeMap(); // HuginPackageReader.js------------------------ function HuginStemRecordTopicShape() { this.aPositions = null; } function HuginStemRecordTopic() { this.uEmphasis = null; this.aShapes = null; } function HuginStemRecord() { this.aTopics = null; } function HuginPackageReaderResult() { this.strNefStem = null; this.strRecord = null; this.bStopWord = null ; } function HuginPackageReader() { this.strPackagePath = null; //in this.strSynonymPath = null ; //in this.recordResult = null; //out this.strQueryWord = null; //in this.bPhraseSearch = false ; this.bSucc = true; this.prepareQuery = function() { this.recordResult = null; //out this.bSucc = true; this.strQueryWord = null; this.bPhraseSearch = false ; } this.loadFromFile = function( a_Context, a_this, a_funcCallback ) { theXmlReader.loadFromFile(a_Context, a_funcCallback, false ); } this.pickSynonyms = function( a_strStem ) { return theXmlReader.getSynonyms(a_strStem).split( "," ); } this.setSynonymForHighlighting = function( a_Context, a_this ) { if ( !theXmlReader.bSucc ) { return; } gstrSyn = ""; var arySynonyms = a_this.pickSynonyms( a_this.strQueryWord ); for ( var i = 0; i < arySynonyms.length; ++i ) { gstrSyn += " " + arySynonyms[i]; } if ((gstrSyn == "")||(gstrSyn == " ")) return ; } this.doQueryWordRecord = function( a_Context, a_this ) { if ( !theXmlReader.bSucc ) { a_Context.strMsg = gsLoadXmlFailed; a_Context.bError = true; return; } if ( !a_this.bSucc ) return; // By Lein 4:59 PM 7/15/2004 a_this.recordResult = new HuginPackageReaderResult(); var strRecord = theXmlReader.getWordRec(a_this.strQueryWord,a_this.bPhraseSearch); if ( strRecord == null ) return; a_this.recordResult.bStopWord = false; a_this.recordResult.strNefStem = a_this.strQueryWord; a_this.recordResult.strRecord = strRecord; if (strRecord == "" ) { a_this.bSucc = false; return; } a_this.bSucc = true; theXmlReader.strFilePath = a_this.strSynonymPath; a_Context.push( a_this.loadFromFile, a_this, a_this.setSynonymForHighlighting, a_this ); } this.query = function( a_Context, a_this ) { a_this.bSucc = true; theXmlReader.strFilePath = a_this.strPackagePath; a_Context.push( a_this.loadFromFile, a_this, a_this.doQueryWordRecord, a_this ); } } function HuginPackageIndexReader() { this.queryWord = null; //in this.strPackageIndexPath = null; //in this.packageInfo = null; //out this.bSucc = true; this.strCurQuery = null; this.strPackageInfo = null; this.prepareQuery = function() { this.packageInfo = null; //out this.bSucc = true; this.strCurQuery = null; this.strPackageInfo = null; } this.getPackagePath = function( a_strSuffix ) { var sf = splitPathName( this.strPackageIndexPath ); return sf.strDir + "package_" + a_strSuffix + sf.strExt; } this.getTopicTablePath = function( a_strSuffix ) { var sf = splitPathName( this.strPackageIndexPath ); return sf.strDir + "topictable_" + a_strSuffix + sf.strExt; } this.parsePackageInfo = function( a_Context, a_this ) { if ( !theXmlReader.bSucc || !theXmlReader.checkRoot( "cki" ) ) { a_this.bSucc = false; return; } var nPackageIndex = theXmlReader.getPackageIndex(a_this.strCurQuery); if ( nPackageIndex == null || nPackageIndex < 0 ) { a_this.packageInfo = null; a_this.bSucc = false; return; } a_this.packageInfo = a_this.getPackagePath( nPackageIndex ); this.bSucc = true; return ; } this.parseTopicInfo = function( a_Context, a_this ) { if ( !theXmlReader.bSucc || !theXmlReader.checkRoot( "cki" ) ) { a_this.bSucc = false; return; } var nPackageIndex = theXmlReader.getPackageIndex(a_this.strCurQuery); if ( nPackageIndex == null || nPackageIndex < 0 ) { a_this.packageInfo = null; a_this.bSucc = false; return; } a_this.packageInfo = a_this.getTopicTablePath( nPackageIndex ); this.bSucc = true; return ; } this.loadFromFile = function( a_Context, a_this, a_funcCallback ) { theXmlReader.loadFromFile(a_Context, a_funcCallback , false); } this.queryPackageInfo = function( a_Context, a_this ) { a_this.bSucc = true; theXmlReader.strFilePath = a_this.strPackageIndexPath; a_Context.push( a_this.loadFromFile, a_this, a_this.parsePackageInfo, a_this ); } this.queryTopicInfo = function( a_Context, a_this ) { a_this.bSucc = true; theXmlReader.strFilePath = a_this.strPackageIndexPath; a_Context.push( a_this.loadFromFile, a_this, a_this.parseTopicInfo, a_this ); } } function HuginTopicTableReader() { this.nQueryId = null; //in this.strTopicTablePath = null; //in this.lastIndex = -1; this.topicInfo = null; //out this.bSucc = true; this.strTopicInfo = null; this.strTopicContext = null; this.strTopicBreadcrumbs = null; this.topicMap = null ; this.curTopicIndex = null ; this.prepareQuery = function() { this.bSucc = true; this.strTopicInfo = null; } this.loadFromFile = function( a_Context, a_this, a_funcCallback ) { theXmlReader.loadFromFile(a_Context, a_funcCallback ); } this.processReaderResult = function( a_Context, a_this ) { if ( !theXmlReader.bSucc || !theXmlReader.checkRoot( "ck" ) ) { a_this.bSucc = false; a_this.bInited = false; return; } var queryId = a_this.nQueryId ; if (a_this.curTopicIndex > 0 ) queryId = queryId - a_this.topicMap[a_this.curTopicIndex -1 ] ; var topicInfo = theXmlReader.getTopicRec(queryId); a_this.strTopicInfo = topicInfo.rd; a_this.strTopicContext = topicInfo.ct; a_this.strTopicBreadcrumbs = topicInfo.bc; } this.parseTopicInfo = function( a_Context, a_this ) { if ( !a_this.bSucc ) return; a_this.topicInfo = new Object(); var v = a_this.strTopicInfo.split( "|" ); if ( v.length < 2 || v[0] == "" || v[1] == "" ) { a_this.bSucc == false; return; } a_this.topicInfo.strUrl = v[0]; a_this.topicInfo.strTitle = v[1]; if (a_this.strTopicBreadcrumbs == null || a_this.strTopicBreadcrumbs.length == 0) { a_this.strTopicBreadcrumbs = a_this.topicInfo.strUrl; } } this.queryTopicInfo = function( a_Context, a_this ) { for (var i = 0 ; i < a_this.topicMap.length ; i++) { if (a_this.nQueryId < a_this.topicMap[i] ) break ; } if (i >= a_this.topicMap.length) { a_this.bSucc == false; return; } a_this.curTopicIndex = i ; var topictablefilename = "topictable_" + i + ".xml" ; if(i != a_this.lastIndex) { a_this.lastIndex = i; theXmlReader.strFilePath = getAbsPath( a_this.strTopicTablePath, topictablefilename ); a_Context.push( a_this.loadFromFile, a_this, a_this.processReaderResult, a_this, a_this.parseTopicInfo, a_this ); } else { a_Context.push( a_this.processReaderResult, a_this, a_this.parseTopicInfo, a_this ); } } this.makeIndexMap = function( a_Context, a_this ) { a_this.topicMap = new Array() ; var prev = 0 ; for (var i = 0; i < theXmlReader.getNumOfNodes() ; i++) { a_this.topicMap[i] = theXmlReader.getNumOfTopics(i) + prev; prev = a_this.topicMap[i] ; } } this.prepareMap = function( a_Context, a_this ) { a_this.bSucc = true; theXmlReader.strFilePath = a_this.strTopicTablePath; a_Context.push( a_this.loadFromFile, a_this, a_this.makeIndexMap, a_this); } } // HuginDatabase.js----------------------------- function HuginDatabase() { this.strOdbPath = ""; //in this.queryWord = null; //in this.bNeedStopWord = false; //in this.recordResult = null; //out this.eType = null ; //in this.aQueryTopics = null; //in out this.bSucc = false; this.bInited = false; this.strTopicTablePath = null; this.strPackageIndexPath = null; this.strSynonymPath = null ; this.packageInfo = null; this.iCurTopic = null; this.packageIndexReader = new HuginPackageIndexReader(); this.packageReader = new HuginPackageReader(); this.topicReader = new HuginTopicTableReader(); this.prepareQuery = function() { this.recordResult = null; this.bSucc = true; this.packageInfo = null; this.iCurTopic = 0; this.packageIndexReader.prepareQuery(); this.packageReader.prepareQuery(); this.topicReader.prepareQuery(); this.eType = ESNT_DEFAULT ; } this.getIndexUrl = function( a_strIndexType ) { var strRelPath = theXmlReader.getAttr( "index", "type", a_strIndexType, "url" ); if ( strRelPath == "" ) return ""; return getAbsPath( this.strOdbPath, strRelPath ); } this.readOdbInfo = function( a_Context, a_this ) { if ( !theXmlReader.bSucc || !theXmlReader.checkRoot( "odb" ) ) { a_this.bSucc = false; a_this.bInited = false; return; } a_this.strTopicTablePath = a_this.getIndexUrl( "TopicIndex" ); a_this.strPackageIndexPath = a_this.getIndexUrl( "PackageIndex" ); a_this.strSynonymPath = a_this.getIndexUrl( "Synonym" ); if ( a_this.strTopicTablePath == "" || a_this.strPackageIndexPath == "" || a_this.strSynonymPath == "") { a_this.bSucc = false; a_this.bInited = false; return; } else { a_this.bSucc = true; a_this.bInited = true; } } this.loadFromFile = function( a_Context, a_this, a_funcCallback ) { theXmlReader.loadFromFile(a_Context, a_funcCallback ); } this.queryRecordInPackage = function( a_Context, a_this ) { if ( !a_this.packageIndexReader.bSucc ) return; a_this.packageInfo = a_this.packageIndexReader.packageInfo; a_this.packageReader.strPackagePath = a_this.packageInfo; a_this.packageReader.strSynonymPath = a_this.strSynonymPath ; a_this.packageReader.bPhraseSearch = (a_this.eType == ESNT_PHRASE); if (gsSubstrSrch) a_this.packageReader.strQueryWord = a_this.queryWord.strNormalizedOrg; else a_this.packageReader.strQueryWord = a_this.queryWord.strHelStem; //use stem in case substring search is off a_Context.push( a_this.packageReader.query, a_this.packageReader ); } this.makeResult = function( a_Context, a_this ) { if ( !a_this.packageIndexReader.bSucc || !a_this.packageReader.bSucc ) { a_this.bSucc = false; } a_this.recordResult = a_this.packageReader.recordResult; if (a_this.eType == ESNT_NOT) { if ((typeof(a_this.recordResult)=='undefined')||(a_this.recordResult==null)) { a_this.bSucc = true ; a_this.recordResult = a_this.makeDummyResultRec(a_this.queryWord.strNormalizedOrg,a_this.queryWord.strHelStem) ; } theXmlReader.strFilePath = a_this.strTopicTablePath; a_Context.push( a_this.loadFromFile, a_this, a_this.makeNotResult, a_this ); } } this.makeDummyResultRec = function(strOrg, strStem) { var recordResult = new Object(); recordResult.strRecord = "" ; recordResult.strNefStem = strStem ; recordResult.bStopWord = false ; return recordResult ; } this.makeNotResult = function( a_Context, a_this ) { var topicRecs = a_this.recordResult.strRecord.split( "|" ); var bIncludeAll = (a_this.recordResult.strRecord == "" ); var arrTopicIds = new Array(); var j ; for(j=0;j 0) bCheck = true ; var curIndex = 0 ; var sDummyTopicRec = ",192:0,0,10" ; var i = 0; var numTopics = 0 ; for (var k =0 ; k < theXmlReader.getNumOfNodes() ; k++) { numTopics += theXmlReader.getNumOfTopics(k); } a_this.recordResult.strRecord = '' ; while(i < numTopics) { var bIncludeTopic = true ; if (bCheck && (curIndex < arrTopicIds.length)&&(arrTopicIds[curIndex]==i) && (!bIncludeAll)) { curIndex++ ; bIncludeTopic = false ; } if(bIncludeTopic) { a_this.bSucc = true ; var topicRec = i + sDummyTopicRec ; if (a_this.recordResult.strRecord == '') a_this.recordResult.strRecord = topicRec ; else a_this.recordResult.strRecord += "|" + topicRec ; } i++ ; } } this.init = function( a_Context, a_this ) { theXmlReader.strFilePath = a_this.strOdbPath; a_Context.push( a_this.loadFromFile, a_this, a_this.readOdbInfo, a_this ); } this.queryRecord = function( a_Context, a_this ) { if ( !a_this.bInited ) { a_this.bSucc = false; return; } a_this.bSucc = true; a_this.packageIndexReader.strPackageIndexPath = a_this.strPackageIndexPath; if (gsSubstrSrch) a_this.packageIndexReader.strCurQuery = a_this.queryWord.strNormalizedOrg; else a_this.packageIndexReader.strCurQuery = a_this.queryWord.strHelStem; //use stem in case substring search is off a_Context.push( a_this.packageIndexReader.queryPackageInfo, a_this.packageIndexReader, a_this.queryRecordInPackage, a_this, a_this.makeResult, a_this ); } this.processTopicInfo = function( a_Context, a_this ) { if ( !a_this.topicReader.bSucc ) { a_this.bSucc = false; return; } a_this.aQueryTopics[a_this.iCurTopic].strUrl = a_this.topicReader.topicInfo.strUrl; a_this.aQueryTopics[a_this.iCurTopic].strTitle = a_this.topicReader.topicInfo.strTitle; a_this.aQueryTopics[a_this.iCurTopic].strSummary = a_this.topicReader.strTopicContext; a_this.aQueryTopics[a_this.iCurTopic].strBreadcrumbs = a_this.topicReader.strTopicBreadcrumbs; } this.incCurTopic = function( a_Context, a_this ) { a_this.iCurTopic++; } this.queryTopicInfo = function( a_Context, a_this ) { if ( a_this.iCurTopic >= a_this.aQueryTopics.length ) return; a_this.topicReader.nQueryId = a_this.aQueryTopics[a_this.iCurTopic].nTopicId; a_Context.push( a_this.topicReader.queryTopicInfo, a_this.topicReader, a_this.processTopicInfo, a_this, a_this.incCurTopic, a_this, a_this.queryTopicInfo, a_this ); } this.queryTopicInfos = function( a_Context, a_this ) { if ( !a_this.bInited ) { a_this.bSucc = false; return; } a_this.bSucc = true; a_this.topicReader.strTopicTablePath = a_this.strTopicTablePath; a_this.iCurTopic = 0; //this is an iterator of a "for" loop a_this.topicReader.lastIndex = -1; a_Context.push( a_this.topicReader.prepareMap , a_this.topicReader, a_this.queryTopicInfo, a_this ); } } // LanguageService.js--------------------------- function LanguageService() { this.getNormalizedOrg = function( a_strOrg, a_Result ) { var strUpper = a_strOrg.toUpperCase(); var strLower = a_strOrg.toLowerCase(); if ( utf8Compare(strUpper, strLower) == 0 || utf8Compare(strUpper, a_strOrg) != 0 ) { a_Result.strNormalizedOrg = strLower; a_Result.bUpperCase = false; } else { a_Result.strNormalizedOrg = strUpper; a_Result.bUpperCase = true; } } this.stemWith = function( a_strWord, a_strSuffix ) { var s = a_strSuffix.split( "," ); var strSuffix = s[0]; var bRemoveOnly = ( s[1] == '1' ); var ss = a_strWord.match( "^..+" + strSuffix + "$" ); if ( ss == null ) return null; var nLenRest = a_strWord.length - strSuffix.length; var bAddE = false; if ( !bRemoveOnly ) { if ( !this.isVowel( a_strWord.charAt( nLenRest - 1 ) ) ) { if ( a_strWord.charAt( nLenRest - 1 ) == a_strWord.charAt( nLenRest - 2 ) ) nLenRest--; else bAddE = true; } } var strStem = a_strWord.substr( 0, nLenRest ); if ( strStem.length < 2 || (( strStem.length == 2) && !bAddE ) ) return null; //if ( strStem.length <= 2 ) //return null; return strStem; } this.helStem = function( a_Result ) { var strWord = a_Result.strNormalizedOrg.toLowerCase(); var nSuffixNum = g_RunesHelSuffixes.length; var nStemFound = 0; var strStem = null; for ( var i = 0; i < nSuffixNum; i++ ) { strStem = this.stemWith( strWord, g_RunesHelSuffixes[i] ); if ( strStem != null ) { nStemFound = i + 1; break; } } if ( strStem == null ) strStem = strWord; a_Result.strHelStem = strStem; a_Result.nHelWordShape = a_Result.bUpperCase ? nStemFound * 2 + 1 : nStemFound * 2; } this.isVowel = function( a_ch ) { return g_RunesVowels.indexOf( a_ch ) >= 0; } this.isWordBreak = function( a_ch ) { return ( !this.isQuote( a_ch ) && g_RunesWordBreaks.indexOf( a_ch ) >= 0 ); } this.isWhiteSpace = function( a_ch ) { return ( g_RunesWhiteSpaces.indexOf( a_ch ) >= 0 ); } this.isSpecialBreak = function( a_ch ) { return ( g_RunesSpecialBreaks.indexOf( a_ch ) >= 0 ); } this.isCJKCodePoint = function( a_ch ) { //from if ( (typeof(a_ch) == "undefined" ) || (a_ch == "" ) ) return false ; var val = a_ch.charCodeAt(0) ; return ( ((0x2E80 <= val) && ( val <= 0x9FFF)) //East Asian scripts and symbols || ((0xF900 <= val) && ( val <= 0xFAFF)) //CJK Compatibility Ideographs || ((0xFE30 <= val) && ( val <= 0xFE4F)) //CJK Compatibility Forms || ((0xFF00 <= val) && ( val <= 0xFFEF)) ); //Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms (FF00–FFEF) } this.isQuote = function( a_ch ) { return ( a_ch == g_RunesQuote ); } this.isAND = function( a_strOp ) { return ( a_strOp == "and" ); } this.isOR = function( a_strOp ) { return ( a_strOp == "or" ); } this.isNOT = function( a_strOp ) { return ( a_strOp == "not" ); } this.isOperator = function( strOp ) { if ( strOp == "and" || strOp == "or" || strOp == "not" ) return true; } } // Runes.js---------------------------------- var ESNT_AND = 1; var ESNT_OR = 2; var ESNT_NOT = 3; var ESNT_DEFAULT = 4; var ESNT_PHRASE = 5; function RunesContext( a_strSrc ) { this.strSrc = a_strSrc; this.nCur = 0; this.bFailed = false; this.bNot = false; this.nWordIndex = 0; this.getCurChar = function() { return this.strSrc.charAt( this.nCur ); } this.getChar = function( i ) { return this.strSrc.charAt( i ); } this.reachEnd = function() { return this.nCur >= this.strSrc.length; } } function DolWord( a_strWord, a_nPosition ) { this.strWord = a_strWord; this.nPosition = a_nPosition; } function SolNode(){} function RunesService() { this.langSev = new LanguageService(); this.isOperator = function( a_str, a_nFrom ) { var strOp = this.getWord( a_str, a_nFrom ).toLowerCase(); if ( this.langSev.isOperator( strOp ) ) return true; return false; } this.getLengthOfWordBreak = function( a_str, a_nFrom ) { var i = a_nFrom, nLen = a_str.length; while ( i < nLen && this.langSev.isWordBreak( a_str.charAt( i ) ) ) i++; return i - a_nFrom; } this.getLengthOfCJKWordBreak = function( a_str, a_nFrom ) { var i = a_nFrom, nLen = a_str.length; while ( i < nLen && (this.langSev.isWordBreak( a_str.charAt( i ) ) || this.langSev.isCJKCodePoint( a_str.charAt( i ) ))) i++; return i - a_nFrom; } this.getLengthOfWord = function( a_str, a_nFrom ) { var i = a_nFrom, nLen = a_str.length; while ( i < nLen && !this.langSev.isWordBreak( a_str.charAt( i ) ) && !this.langSev.isQuote( a_str.charAt( i ) ) ) ++i; return i - a_nFrom; } this.getNonCJKWord = function( a_str, a_nFrom ) { var i = a_nFrom, nLen = a_str.length; while ( i < nLen && !this.langSev.isWordBreak( a_str.charAt( i ) ) && !this.langSev.isCJKCodePoint( a_str.charAt( i ) ) && !this.langSev.isQuote( a_str.charAt( i ) ) ) ++i; var nLen = i - a_nFrom; return a_str.substr( a_nFrom, nLen ); } this.getWord = function( a_str, a_nFrom ) { var nLen = this.getLengthOfWord( a_str, a_nFrom ); return a_str.substr( a_nFrom, nLen ); } this.getTerm = function( a_Context, a_Rslt ) { if ( this.langSev.isQuote( a_Context.getCurChar() ) ) { a_Context.nCur++; var nLen = this.getLengthOfPhrase( a_Context.strSrc, a_Context.nCur ); if ( nLen <= 0 ) return false; a_Rslt.eType = ESNT_PHRASE; a_Rslt.strTerm = a_Context.strSrc.substr( a_Context.nCur, nLen ); a_Context.nCur += nLen + 1; } else { var nLen = this.getLengthOfDefault( a_Context.strSrc, a_Context.nCur ); if ( nLen <= 0 ) return false; a_Rslt.eType = ESNT_DEFAULT; a_Rslt.strTerm = a_Context.strSrc.substr( a_Context.nCur, nLen ); a_Context.nCur += nLen; } return true; } this.getOperator = function( a_Context, a_Rslt ) { if ( a_Context.reachEnd() ) return false; var strOp = this.getWord( a_Context.strSrc, a_Context.nCur ).toLowerCase(); if ( this.langSev.isAND( strOp ) ) { a_Rslt.eType = ESNT_AND; a_Context.nCur += strOp.length; } else if ( this.langSev.isOR( strOp ) ) { a_Rslt.eType = ESNT_OR; a_Context.nCur += strOp.length; } else if ( this.langSev.isNOT( strOp ) ) { a_Rslt.eType = ESNT_NOT; a_Context.nCur += strOp.length; } else { a_Rslt.eType = ESNT_OR; } return true; } this.getLengthOfPhrase = function( a_str, a_nFrom ) { var i = a_nFrom, nLen = a_str.length; while ( i < nLen ) { if ( this.langSev.isQuote( a_str.charAt( i ) ) ) return i - a_nFrom; ++i; } return -1; } this.getLengthOfDefault = function( a_str, a_nFrom ) { var i = a_nFrom, nLen = a_str.length; while ( i < nLen && !this.isOperator( a_str, i ) && !this.langSev.isQuote( a_str.charAt( i ) ) ) { i += this.getLengthOfWord( a_str, i ); i += this.getLengthOfWordBreak( a_str, i ); } return i - a_nFrom; } this.parseOperator = function( a_Context, a_Result, a_bNotAllowed ) { a_Context.nCur += this.getLengthOfWordBreak( a_Context.strSrc, a_Context.nCur ); var rslt = new Object; if ( !this.getOperator( a_Context, rslt ) ) return false; if ( rslt.eType == ESNT_NOT ) { if (a_bNotAllowed) { if ( a_Context.bNOT ) { rslt.eType = ESNT_OR; } else { a_Context.bNOT = true; } } else { a_Context.bFailed = true; return false ; } } a_Result.eType = rslt.eType; a_Result.right = new SolNode(); if ( !this.parseTerm( a_Context, a_Result.right ) ) return false; return true; } /** Start parsing the search query from a_Context.nCur and check for presence of a phrase or normal term Or a term prefixed with NOT operator. In case a phrase or normal term is encountered, check for operators in the rest of the expression. A term can contain many words for e.g. Search query: hello world AND first topic This consist of two search terms: 1) hello world 2) first topic And each of these terms have two words each. **/ this.parseTerm = function( a_Context, a_Result ) { a_Context.nCur += this.getLengthOfWordBreak( a_Context.strSrc, a_Context.nCur ); var rslt = new Object; if ( !this.getTerm( a_Context, rslt ) ) { if (( this.parseOperator( a_Context, rslt, true ) )&&(rslt.eType == ESNT_NOT)) { a_Result.eType = rslt.eType; if (rslt.right.eType == ESNT_DEFAULT) { a_Result.strTerm = rslt.right.strTerm; return true ; } else { a_Context.bFailed = true; return false; } } else { a_Context.bFailed = true; return false; } } if ( this.parseOperator( a_Context, a_Result, false ) ) { a_Result.left = new SolNode(); a_Result.left.eType = rslt.eType; a_Result.left.strTerm = rslt.strTerm; } else { a_Result.eType = rslt.eType; a_Result.strTerm = rslt.strTerm; } return true; } this.extractTerm = function( a_Context, a_Term ) { a_Term.aWords = new Array(); this.dolSegment( a_Term ); if ( a_Term.aWords.length == 0 ) return false; for ( var i = 0; i < a_Term.aWords.length; i++ ) { a_Term.aWords[i].nWordId = a_Term.aWords[i].nPosition + a_Context.nWordIndex; } a_Context.nWordIndex = a_Term.aWords[a_Term.aWords.length - 1].nWordId + 1; return true; } /** Check each term in the query and break up each term in individual words. **/ this.parsePhraseAndDefault = function( a_Context, a_Node ) { if ( a_Node.eType == ESNT_PHRASE || a_Node.eType == ESNT_DEFAULT || a_Node.eType == ESNT_NOT) { if ( !this.extractTerm( a_Context, a_Node ) && a_Node.eType == ESNT_PHRASE ) a_Context.bFailed = true; } else { this.parsePhraseAndDefault( a_Context, a_Node.left ); this.parsePhraseAndDefault( a_Context, a_Node.right ); } } this.helStem = function( a_strOrg, a_Result ) { this.langSev.getNormalizedOrg( a_strOrg, a_Result ); this.langSev.helStem( a_Result ); } /** * Check presence of any break characters in given term, starting from "cur" position. * If the break characters present are special break/CJK, include them in a_Result. * Update position of next word and also character position of next non breaking * character in the term. * Change the term type to phrase, if a CJK break is encountered. */ this.parseBreakCharacters = function( a_Term , a_positions) { var a_strSrc = a_Term.strTerm; var a_Result = a_Term.aWords ; var nLen = a_strSrc.length; var nCur = a_positions["cur"]; var nPosition = a_positions["pos"] ; var bCJKTerm = false ; var bCJKBreak = false ; while ( nCur < nLen && (this.langSev.isWordBreak( a_strSrc.charAt( nCur )) || this.langSev.isCJKCodePoint( a_strSrc.charAt( nCur ))) ) { if ( this.langSev.isSpecialBreak( a_strSrc.charAt( nCur ) ) || (bCJKBreak = this.langSev.isCJKCodePoint( a_strSrc.charAt( nCur ))) ) { //it's a special word/CJK break, include it in search a_Result[a_Result.length] = new DolWord( a_strSrc.charAt( nCur ), nPosition ); nPosition++; if (!bCJKTerm && bCJKBreak) //set the term as CJK term bCJKTerm = true ; } nCur++; } a_positions["cur"] = nCur ; a_positions["pos"] = nPosition ; if (bCJKTerm) a_Term.eType = ESNT_PHRASE ; } /** Break the current term in words. If the term contains CJK characters, treat each one of them as a seperate word. If any of the words is a CJK character, treat this term as a phrase term. **/ this.dolSegment = function( a_Term ) { var a_strSrc = a_Term.strTerm; var a_Result = a_Term.aWords ; var nLen = a_strSrc.length; var strWord = ""; var positions = new Array(); positions["cur"] = 0 ; positions["pos"] = 1 ; this.parseBreakCharacters( a_Term, positions ); while ( positions["cur"] < nLen ) { strWord = this.getNonCJKWord( a_strSrc, positions["cur"] ); a_Result[a_Result.length] = new DolWord( strWord, positions["pos"] ); positions["cur"] += strWord.length; positions["pos"]++ ; //check if we can find some special break/CJK characters in between this and next word this.parseBreakCharacters( a_Term, positions ); } } this.solParse = function( a_strSrc, a_Result ) { var context = new RunesContext( a_strSrc ); this.parseTerm( context, a_Result ); if ( context.bFailed ) return false; this.parsePhraseAndDefault( context, a_Result ); if ( context.bFailed ) return false; return true; } } // HuginInput.js-------------------------------- function _helStemNode( a_Runes, a_Node ) { with ( a_Node ) { if ( eType == ESNT_PHRASE || eType == ESNT_DEFAULT || eType == ESNT_NOT) { for ( var i = 0; i < aWords.length; i++ ) { a_Runes.helStem( aWords[i].strWord, aWords[i] ); } } else { _helStemNode( a_Runes, left ); _helStemNode( a_Runes, right ); } } } function parseQueryExpression( a_strQuery ) { var runes = new RunesService(); var expression = new SolNode(); if ( !runes.solParse( a_strQuery, expression ) ) return null; _helStemNode( runes, expression ); return expression; } // RankingCalculator.js------------------------- var EWMT_NotMatch = 0; var EWMT_SynonymMatch = 1; var EWMT_WordMatch = 2; var EWMT_ShapeMatch = 3; var WEIGHT_OF_SHAPE_MATCH = 0.5; var WEIGHT_OF_SINGLE_WORD_SCORE = 0.5; var HUGIN_KEYWORD_FLAG = 0x0040; var HUGIN_TITLE_FLAG = 0x0080; var WORDSHAPE_SYNONYM = -2; function _rank_ULaw( a_fX ) { if ( a_fX < 0.0 ) return 0.0; return 1.0 - 1.0 / ( a_fX + 1.0 ); } function _rank_Weaken( a_fWeight, a_fPercent ) { var fPercent = ( a_fPercent < 0.0 ) ? 0.0 : ( a_fPercent > 1.0 ) ? 1.0 : a_fPercent; return 1 - fPercent + a_fWeight * fPercent; } function _isKeyWord( a_uEmphasis ) { return ( a_uEmphasis & HUGIN_KEYWORD_FLAG ) != 0; } function _isTitle( a_uEmphasis ) { return ( a_uEmphasis & HUGIN_TITLE_FLAG ) != 0; } function _isUpperCaseShape( a_nWordShape ) { return a_nWordShape % 2 != 0; } function _emphasisToScore( a_uEmphasis ) { var nScore = 0; //H1 = 64, H2 = 32, H3 = 16, H4 = 8, H5 = 4, H6 = 2 for ( var i = 5, nInc = 2; i >= 0; i--, nInc *= 2 ) nScore += nInc * ( ( a_uEmphasis >> i ) & 1 ); return nScore; } function _getWordMatchType( a_Word, a_Tile, a_nPosition, a_nOffset ) { var eRslt = EWMT_NotMatch; // The term must be consecutive. if ( a_nPosition - a_nOffset != a_Word.nWordId ) return eRslt; for ( var i = 0; i < a_Tile.aWords.length; i++ ) { var eCur = EWMT_NotMatch; if ( a_Tile.aWords[i].nWordId == a_Word.nWordId ) { if ( a_Tile.aWords[i].nWordForm == WORDSHAPE_SYNONYM ) eCur = EWMT_SynonymMatch; else { if ( _isUpperCaseShape( a_Word.nWordShape ) ) { if ( a_Word.nWordShape == a_Tile.aWords[i].nWordForm ) eCur = EWMT_ShapeMatch; else eCur = EWMT_NotMatch; } else { if ( a_Word.nWordShape == a_Tile.aWords[i].nWordForm || a_Word.nWordShape == a_Tile.aWords[i].nWordForm - 1 ) eCur = EWMT_ShapeMatch; else eCur = EWMT_WordMatch; } } } if ( eRslt < eCur ) eRslt = eCur; } return eRslt; } function _getTermMatchType( a_aTiles, a_nTileFrom, a_aWords, a_nFrom, a_nLen ) { var eRslt = EWMT_ShapeMatch; if ( a_nFrom < 0 || a_nLen <= 0 || a_aWords.length < a_nFrom + a_nLen ) return EWMT_NotMatch; var nOffset = a_nTileFrom ; var j = a_nTileFrom; for ( var i = a_nFrom; i < a_nFrom + a_nLen; i++ ) { nOffset = nOffset - a_aWords[i].nWordId; j = nOffset + a_aWords[i].nWordId; //seek j to the tile that should be matched if ( !a_aTiles[j] ) return EWMT_NotMatch; var eCur = _getWordMatchType( a_aWords[i], a_aTiles[j], j, nOffset ); if ( eCur < eRslt ) eRslt = eCur; if ( eRslt == EWMT_NotMatch ) return eRslt; nOffset = nOffset + a_aWords[i].strWord.length + a_aWords[i].nWordId ; } return eRslt; } function _matchTypeToScore( a_eMatchType ) { switch( a_eMatchType ) { case EWMT_NotMatch: return 0; case EWMT_SynonymMatch: return 1; case EWMT_WordMatch: return 2; case EWMT_ShapeMatch: return 4; default: return 0; } } function _computeSingleWordScore( a_TopicImage, a_nWordId ) { if ( !a_TopicImage.aWords[a_nWordId] ) return 0.0; var emphasis = a_TopicImage.aWords[a_nWordId].uEmphasis ; if (emphasis != 0 ) emphasis = _emphasisToScore(emphasis ) ; emphasis += a_TopicImage.aWords[a_nWordId].uFreq; var fWeightScore = _rank_Weaken( _rank_ULaw( emphasis ), WEIGHT_OF_SINGLE_WORD_SCORE ); if ( _isTitle( a_TopicImage.aWords[a_nWordId].uEmphasis ) ) // Words in title are important than key words and the rest. { return fWeightScore / 3.0 + 2.0 / 3.0; } if ( _isKeyWord( a_TopicImage.aWords[a_nWordId].uEmphasis ) ) // Key words are always more important than non-keywords. { return fWeightScore / 3.0 + 1.0 / 3.0; } else { return fWeightScore / 3.0; } } function _computeTermWeight( a_TopicImage, a_Term ) { var nTermLen = a_Term.aWords.length; // empty term means ignored or all stop words if ( nTermLen == 0 ) return -1.0; var fTermScore = 0.0; // position independent score for ( i = 0; i < nTermLen; i++ ) fTermScore += _computeSingleWordScore( a_TopicImage, a_Term.aWords[i].nWordId ); if ( a_Term.eType == ESNT_PHRASE ) { //check if its a phrase var bPhrase = false ; var iPosition = 0; for ( var strPosition in a_TopicImage.aTiles ) { iPosition = parseInt( strPosition ); bPhrase = _getPhraseMatch( a_TopicImage.aTiles, iPosition, a_Term.aWords, 0 ); if ( bPhrase ) break ; } if (bPhrase) return fTermScore; else return 0.0 ; } else { return fTermScore; } } function _getPhraseMatch(a_aTiles, iPosition, a_aWords, a_nCurIdx ) { var nOffset = iPosition ; if (a_nCurIdx >= a_aWords.length) return false ; if (iPosition >= a_aTiles.length) return false ; var nCurWordId = a_aWords[a_nCurIdx].nWordId ; if(!a_aTiles[iPosition]) return false ; var i ; for ( i = 0 ; i < a_aTiles[iPosition].aWords.length ; i++) { var wordAtPos = a_aTiles[iPosition].aWords[i].nWordId ; if (wordAtPos == nCurWordId) { if (a_nCurIdx == (a_aWords.length -1 )) { //last word matches, then return true return true ; } else { var wordLen = a_aWords[a_nCurIdx].strWord.length ; return _getPhraseMatch(a_aTiles , iPosition + wordLen , a_aWords , a_nCurIdx+1); } } } return false ; } function _removeNegativeWeight( a_fWeight, a_eOpType ) { if ( a_fWeight >= 0.0 ) return a_fWeight; switch ( a_eOpType ) { case ESNT_OR: return 0.0; case ESNT_AND: return 1.0; case ESNT_NOT: return 0.0; } return 0.0; } function _getWeightOfNode( a_TopicImage, a_Node ) { if ( a_Node == null ) return 0.0; if ( a_Node.eType == ESNT_DEFAULT || a_Node.eType == ESNT_PHRASE || a_Node.eType == ESNT_NOT) { return _computeTermWeight( a_TopicImage, a_Node ); } else { // Right has only 1/2 weight of left var fWeightRight = _getWeightOfNode( a_TopicImage, a_Node.right ) / 2.0; var fWeightLeft = _getWeightOfNode( a_TopicImage, a_Node.left ); // To both negativeWeight return negative if ( fWeightRight < 0.0 && fWeightLeft < 0.0 ) return -1.0; // Convert NegativeWeight to 1.0 or 0.0 according to operator type fWeightRight = _removeNegativeWeight( fWeightRight, a_Node.eType ); fWeightLeft = _removeNegativeWeight( fWeightLeft, a_Node.eType ); // Boolean operation switch ( a_Node.eType ) { case ESNT_OR: return ( fWeightLeft + fWeightRight ) / 2.0; case ESNT_AND: return ( fWeightLeft * fWeightRight ); case ESNT_NOT: fWeightRight = ( fWeightRight == 0.0 ) ? 1.0 : 0.0; return fWeightLeft * fWeightRight; } // Uncoverd cases (inexistent). return 0.0; } } function calculateRanking( a_TopicImage, a_Expression ) { return _getWeightOfNode( a_TopicImage, a_Expression ); } // HuginHunter.js------------------------------- function arrayRemoveAt( a_ary, a_nIndex ) { var nLen = a_ary.length; for ( var i = a_nIndex; i < nLen - 1; i++ ) a_ary[i] = a_ary[i + 1]; a_ary.length--; } function HuginQueryResult() { this.aTopics = new Array(); } function HuginImageWord() { this.uEmphasis = 0; this.uFreq = 0; }; function HuginImageTileWord( a_nWordId, a_nWordForm ) { this.nWordId = a_nWordId; this.nWordForm = a_nWordForm; } function HuginImageTile() { this.aWords = new Array(); } function HuginTopicImage( a_nTopicId ) { this.aWords = new Array(); this.aTiles = new Array();; } function HuginHunter() { this.aOdbPathes = null; //in this.strOdbPath = null; //in this.strQuery = null; //in this.queryResult = null; //out this.bInited = false; this.bSucc = true; this.aDatabases = null; this.iCurProj = null; this.queryExpression = null; this.queryWord = null; this.curTermNode = null; this.aRecordTable = null; this.aSuspendTopics = null; this.aTopics = null; this.iCurTopic = null; this.aTopicImages = null; this.aNodeStack = null; this.iCurTermNodeWord = null; this.aPossibleOrgs = null; this.aRankedTopics = null; this.nWordLoaded = 0; this.nWordNum = 0; this.nState = 0; this.nProgress = 0; this.prepareQuery = function() { this.queryResult = null; this.bSucc = true; this.iCurProj = 0; this.queryExpression = null; this.queryWord = null; this.curTermNode = null; this.aRecordTable = null; this.aSuspendTopics = null; this.aTopics = null; this.iCurTopic = 0; this.aTopicImages = null; this.aNodeStack = null; this.iCurTermNodeWord = 0; this.aPossibleOrgs = null; this.aRankedTopics = null; this.nWordLoaded = 0; this.nWordNum = 0; this.nState = 0; this.nProgress = 0; for ( var i in this.aDatabases ) this.aDatabases[i].prepareQuery(); } this.updateProgress = function() { var fProgress = 100 * this.iCurProj / this.aDatabases.length; var fBase = 100 / this.aDatabases.length; if ( this.nState == 1 ) this.nProgress = Math.round( fProgress + ( this.nWordLoaded / this.nWordNum ) * ( fBase / 3 ) ); else if ( this.nState == 2 ) this.nProgress = Math.round( fProgress + fBase / 3 + ( this.iCurTopic / this.aTopics.length ) * ( fBase * 2 / 3 ) ); } this.incCurProjForInit = function( a_Context, a_this ) { a_this.iCurProj++; if ( a_this.iCurProj < a_this.aDatabases.length ) { a_Context.push( a_this.aDatabases[a_this.iCurProj].init, a_this.aDatabases[a_this.iCurProj], a_this.incCurProjForInit, a_this ); } } this.incCurProjForEvaluate = function( a_Context, a_this ) { a_this.iCurProj++; if ( a_this.iCurProj < a_this.aDatabases.length ) { a_this.aRankedTopics[a_this.iCurProj] = new Array(); a_Context.push( a_this.getRecords, a_this, a_this.evaluateTopics, a_this, a_this.getTopicInfo, a_this, a_this.incCurProjForEvaluate, a_this ); } } this.incCurTermNodeWord = function( a_Context, a_this ) { a_this.nState = 1; a_this.iCurTermNodeWord++; a_this.nWordLoaded++; a_this.updateProgress(); } this.incCurTopic = function( a_Context, a_this ) { a_this.nState = 2; a_this.iCurTopic++; a_this.updateProgress(); } this.checkInitSucc = function( a_Context, a_this ) { var bAllFailed = true; var bNotAllDatabaseInited = false; a_this.bInited = false; for ( var i = 0; i < a_this.aDatabases.length; i++ ) { if ( !a_this.aDatabases[i].bSucc || !a_this.aDatabases[i].bInited ) bNotAllDatabaseInited = true; else bAllFailed = false; } if ( bAllFailed ) { a_Context.strMsg = gsInitDatabaseFailed; g_CurState = ECS_FATALERROR; updateResultView(); return; } if ( bNotAllDatabaseInited ) { a_Context.strMsg = gsInitDatabaseFailed; } a_Context.strMsg = ""; g_CurState = ECS_FTSREADY; a_this.bInited = true; } this.getWordImageToAdd = function( a_nWordId, a_aWords ) { return a_aWords[a_nWordId] ? a_aWords[a_nWordId] : ( a_aWords[a_nWordId] = new HuginImageWord() ); } this.getTileImageToAdd = function( a_nPosition, a_aTiles ) { return a_aTiles[a_nPosition] ? a_aTiles[a_nPosition] : ( a_aTiles[a_nPosition] = new HuginImageTile() ); } this.addRecordToRecordTable = function( a_nWordId, a_strRecord ) { if ( a_strRecord == "" ) return; if(typeof(this.aRecordTable[a_nWordId]) == "undefined") this.aRecordTable[a_nWordId] = new Array(); var aTopics = a_strRecord.split( "|" ); for ( var iTopic = 0; iTopic < aTopics.length; iTopic++ ) { var topicHead = aTopics[iTopic].match( "^(\\d+),(.*)$" ); if ( topicHead == null ) continue; this.aRecordTable[a_nWordId][topicHead[1]] = topicHead[2]; this.aSuspendTopics[topicHead[1]] = true; } } this.processRecordResult = function( a_Context, a_this ) { if ( !a_this.aDatabases[a_this.iCurProj].bSucc ) // Go on searching for other words while one not found return; a_this.wordRecord = a_this.aDatabases[a_this.iCurProj].recordResult; a_this.addRecordToRecordTable( a_this.queryWord.nWordId, a_this.wordRecord.strRecord ); } this.getRecordOfTermWord = function( a_Context, a_this ) { if ( a_this.iCurTermNodeWord >= a_this.curTermNode.aWords.length ) return; a_this.queryWord = a_this.curTermNode.aWords[a_this.iCurTermNodeWord]; a_this.aDatabases[a_this.iCurProj].queryWord = a_this.queryWord; a_this.aDatabases[a_this.iCurProj].eType = a_this.curTermNode.eType ; a_this.aDatabases[a_this.iCurProj].bNeedStopWord = a_this.bNeedStopWord; a_Context.push( a_this.aDatabases[a_this.iCurProj].queryRecord, a_this.aDatabases[a_this.iCurProj], a_this.processRecordResult, a_this, a_this.incCurTermNodeWord, a_this, a_this.getRecordOfTermWord, a_this ); } this.getRecordOfTermNode = function( a_Context, a_this ) { a_this.aPossibleOrgs = new Array(); a_this.bNeedStopWord = ( a_this.curTermNode.eType == ESNT_PHRASE ); a_this.iCurTermNodeWord = 0; //Init the iterator of a "for loop" a_Context.push( a_this.getRecordOfTermWord, a_this); } this.getRecordOfNode = function( a_Context, a_this ) { if ( a_this.aNodeStack.length == 0 ) return; var curNode = a_this.aNodeStack[a_this.aNodeStack.length - 1]; a_this.aNodeStack.length--; if ( curNode != null ) { if ( curNode.eType == ESNT_PHRASE || curNode.eType == ESNT_DEFAULT || curNode.eType == ESNT_NOT) { a_this.curTermNode = curNode; a_Context.push( a_this.getRecordOfTermNode, a_this ); } else { a_this.aNodeStack[a_this.aNodeStack.length] = curNode.right; a_this.aNodeStack[a_this.aNodeStack.length] = curNode.left; a_Context.push( a_this.getRecordOfNode, a_this, a_this.getRecordOfNode, a_this ); } } } this.evaluateTag = function (tagCombinationIndex) { this.tagExpression = this.tagExpression || window.rh.model.get(window.rh.consts('KEY_TAG_EXPRESSION')); return window.rh._.evalTagExpression(tagCombinationIndex, this.tagExpression); }; this.addToTopicImage = function( a_Image, a_nWordId, a_Record ) { var wordImage = this.getWordImageToAdd( a_nWordId, a_Image.aWords ); wordImage.uEmphasis |= a_Record.uEmphasis; wordImage.uFreq = a_Record.aPositions.length ; for ( var strPosition in a_Record.aPositions ) { var tileImage = this.getTileImageToAdd( a_Record.aPositions[strPosition], a_Image.aTiles ); tileImage.aWords[tileImage.aWords.length] = new HuginImageTileWord( a_nWordId, 0 /*nWordShape*/ ); } if(a_Record.tagComboId) { a_Image.rhTags = a_Image.rhTags || []; if(a_Image.rhTags.indexOf(a_Record.tagComboId) == -1){ a_Image.rhTags.push(a_Record.tagComboId); } } } this.unpackTopicRecord = function( a_strRecord ) { var aShapes = a_strRecord.split( ":" ); if ( aShapes.length == 0 ) return null; var record = new Object(); record.uEmphasis = parseInt( aShapes[0] ); record.aPositions = aShapes[1].split( "," ); if ( record.aPositions.length < 1 ) return null; var mappedIds = []; if(this.aProjPathes[this.iCurProj] != null && aShapes[2] != null){ mappedIds =[2].split(","), function(id) { return window.rh._.mapTagIndex(id, this.aProjPathes[this.iCurProj].strProjDir); },this); if(!window.rh._.any(mappedIds, function(id){ return this.evaluateTag(id); }, this)) return null; } record.tagComboId = mappedIds.join(","); return record; } this.makeTopicImage = function( a_nTopicId ) { var topicImage = new HuginTopicImage(); for ( var strWordId in this.aRecordTable ) { if ( !this.aRecordTable[strWordId][a_nTopicId] ) continue; var record = this.unpackTopicRecord( this.aRecordTable[strWordId][a_nTopicId] ) if (record) { this.addToTopicImage( topicImage, parseInt( strWordId ), record ); } } return topicImage; } this.calculateRanking = function( a_TopicImage ) { return calculateRanking( a_TopicImage, this.queryExpression ); } this.calculateWordNum = function( a_Node ) { if ( a_Node.eType == ESNT_PHRASE || a_Node.eType == ESNT_DEFAULT || a_Node.eType == ESNT_NOT) { this.nWordNum += a_Node.aWords.length; } else { this.calculateWordNum( a_Node.right ); this.calculateWordNum( a_Node.left ); } } this.getRecords = function( a_Context, a_this ) { a_this.aNodeStack = new Array(); a_this.aNodeStack[a_this.aNodeStack.length] = a_this.queryExpression; a_this.aRecordTable = new Array(); a_this.aSuspendTopics = new Array(); a_this.nWordLoaded = 0; a_this.calculateWordNum( a_this.queryExpression ); a_Context.push( a_this.getRecordOfNode, a_this ); } this.evaluateTopic = function( a_Context, a_this ) { if ( a_this.iCurTopic >= a_this.aTopics.length ) return; var rankedTopic = new Object(); var topicImage = a_this.makeTopicImage( a_this.aTopics[a_this.iCurTopic] ); rankedTopic.fRanking = a_this.calculateRanking(topicImage); if ( rankedTopic.fRanking > 0 ) { rankedTopic.nTopicId = parseInt( a_this.aTopics[a_this.iCurTopic] ); a_this.aRankedTopics[a_this.iCurProj][a_this.aRankedTopics[a_this.iCurProj].length] = rankedTopic; } rankedTopic.rhTags = topicImage.rhTags || []; a_Context.push( a_this.incCurTopic, a_this, a_this.evaluateTopic, a_this ); } this.evaluateTopics = function( a_Context, a_this ) { a_this.aTopics = new Array(); for ( var iTopic in a_this.aSuspendTopics ) a_this.aTopics[a_this.aTopics.length] = iTopic; a_this.iCurTopic = 0; a_Context.push( a_this.evaluateTopic, a_this ); } this.createTopicImages = function( a_Context, a_this ) { a_this.aTopicImages = new Array(); a_this.aPossibleOrgs = new Array(); a_this.aNodeStack = new Array(); a_this.aNodeStack[a_this.aNodeStack.length] = a_this.queryExpression; a_Context.push( a_this.addNodeToTopicImages, a_this ); } this.calculateRankings = function( a_Context, a_this ) { a_this.aRankedTopics = new Array(); for ( var strTopicId in a_this.aTopicImages ) { var rankedTopic = new Object(); rankedTopic.fRanking = calculateRanking( a_this.aTopicImages[strTopicId], a_this.queryExpression ); if ( rankedTopic.fRanking <= 0 ) continue; rankedTopic.nTopicId = parseInt( strTopicId ); document.writeln( "
" + rankedTopic.nTopicId + "
" ); a_this.aRankedTopics[a_this.aRankedTopics.length] = rankedTopic; } } this.compRankedTopics = function( a_itemA, a_itemB ) { if ( a_itemA.fRanking > a_itemB.fRanking ) return true; else if ( a_itemA.fRanking == a_itemB.fRanking ) { var k = compare( a_itemA.strTitle, a_itemB.strTitle ); if ( k < 0 ) return true; } return false; } this.swapRankedTopics = function( a_aTopics, a_nIdx, a_itemNew ) { a_aTopics[a_nIdx] = a_itemNew; } this.quickSortRankedTopics = function( a_nLow, a_nHigh ) { quickSort( this.queryResult.aTopics, 0, this.queryResult.aTopics.length - 1, this.compRankedTopics, this.swapRankedTopics ); } this.compPossibleOrgs = function( a_itemA, a_itemB ) { if ( utf8Compare(a_itemA, a_itemB) <= 0 ) return true; return false; } this.swapPossibleOrgs = function( a_aOrgs, a_nIdx, a_itemNew ) { a_aOrgs[a_nIdx] = a_itemNew; } this.getTopicInfo = function( a_Context, a_this ) { // the database will fill the query result in the same mapRankedTopics a_this.aDatabases[a_this.iCurProj].aQueryTopics = a_this.aRankedTopics[a_this.iCurProj]; a_Context.push( a_this.aDatabases[a_this.iCurProj].queryTopicInfos, a_this.aDatabases[a_this.iCurProj] ); } this.evaluateExpression = function( a_Context, a_this ) { if(gbANDSearch) { a_this.strQuery = trimString(a_this.strQuery); a_this.strQuery = a_this.strQuery.split(" ").join(" AND "); } a_this.queryExpression = parseQueryExpression( a_this.strQuery ); if ( a_this.queryExpression == null ) { a_Context.strMsg = gsInvalidExpression ; a_this.bSucc = false; return; } a_this.aRankedTopics = new Array(); a_this.iCurProj = -1; a_Context.push( a_this.incCurProjForEvaluate, a_this ); } this.makeResult = function( a_Context, a_this ) { a_this.queryResult.aTopics = new Array(); if ( !a_this.bSucc ) return; var nLen = 0; for ( var i = 0; i < a_this.aRankedTopics.length; i++ ) { for ( var j = 0; j < a_this.aRankedTopics[i].length; j++ ) { nLen = a_this.queryResult.aTopics.length; a_this.queryResult.aTopics[nLen] = a_this.aRankedTopics[i][j]; strTopicUrl = a_this.queryResult.aTopics[nLen].strUrl; if(!(_isAbsPath(strTopicUrl) || _isRemoteUrl(strTopicUrl))) a_this.queryResult.aTopics[nLen].strUrl = a_this.aProjPathes[i].strProjDir + a_this.queryResult.aTopics[nLen].strUrl; a_this.queryResult.aTopics[nLen].fRanking = a_this.aRankedTopics[i][j].fRanking; a_this.queryResult.aTopics[nLen].rhTags = a_this.aRankedTopics[i][j].rhTags; } } a_this.quickSortRankedTopics( 0, a_this.queryResult.aTopics.length - 1 ); for ( var i = 0; i < a_this.queryResult.aTopics.length; i++ ) { a_this.queryResult.aTopics[i].nIndex = i + 1; } } //interface this.init = function( a_Context, a_this ) { a_this.bInited = false; a_this.aDatabases = new Array(); for ( var i in a_this.aProjPathes ) { var nLen = a_this.aDatabases.length; a_this.aDatabases[nLen] = new HuginDatabase(); a_this.aDatabases[nLen].strOdbPath = a_this.aProjPathes[i].strOdbPath; } if ( a_this.aDatabases.length == 0 ) return; a_this.iCurProj = 0; a_Context.push( a_this.aDatabases[a_this.iCurProj].init, a_this.aDatabases[a_this.iCurProj], a_this.incCurProjForInit, a_this, a_this.checkInitSucc, a_this ); } this.query = function( a_Context, a_this ) { if ( !a_this.bInited ) { a_this.bSucc = false; return; } a_this.prepareQuery(); g_CurState = ECS_SEARCHING; updateResultView(); a_this.queryResult = new HuginQueryResult(); a_Context.push( a_this.evaluateExpression, a_this, a_this.makeResult, a_this ); } } //Display///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function setInnerHTML( a_Node, a_strText ) { a_Node.innerHTML = a_strText; } function compByRank( a_itemA, a_itemB ) { return parseInt( getInnerText( a_itemA.firstChild ) ) <= parseInt( getInnerText( a_itemB.firstChild ) ); } function swapTableNode( a_aItems, a_nIdx, a_itemB ) { a_aItems[a_nIdx].swapNode( a_itemB ); } function getPartition( a_aRows, i, j, a_funcComp, a_funcSwap ) { var pivot = a_aRows[i]; while( i < j ) { while( i < j && a_funcComp( pivot, a_aRows[j] ) ) j--; if( i < j ) a_funcSwap( a_aRows, i++, a_aRows[j] ); while( i < j && a_funcComp( a_aRows[i], pivot ) ) i++; if( i < j ) a_funcSwap( a_aRows, j--, a_aRows[i] ); } a_funcSwap( a_aRows, i, pivot ); return i; } function quickSort( a_aRows, a_nLow, a_nHigh, a_funcComp, a_funcSwap ) { if ( a_nLow < a_nHigh ) { var nPivotpos = getPartition( a_aRows, a_nLow, a_nHigh, a_funcComp, a_funcSwap ); quickSort( a_aRows, a_nLow, nPivotpos - 1, a_funcComp, a_funcSwap ); quickSort( a_aRows, nPivotpos + 1, a_nHigh, a_funcComp, a_funcSwap ); } } function quickSortResult() { var searchResults = getElement( "searchResults" ); if(searchResults != null) quickSort( searchResults.childNodes, 0, searchResults.childNodes.length - 1, compByRank, swapTableNode ); } function getStylePropertyValue(elementTag,styleProp) { var y=null; if (elementTag.currentStyle) y = elementTag.currentStyle[styleProp]; else if (window.getComputedStyle) y = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(elementTag,null).getPropertyValue(styleProp); return y; } if ( gbNav7 || gbSafari) { Node.prototype.swapNode = function( a_Node ) { var nextSibling = this.nextSibling; var parentNode = this.parentNode; a_Node.parentNode.insertBefore( this, a_Node ); parentNode.insertBefore( a_Node, nextSibling ); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function loadFts_context() { if(gbPreviewMode) { var ftsProjDirArr = new Array; ftsProjDirArr[0] = gRootRelPath; ftsContextLoaded(ftsProjDirArr); } else initAndLoadParentData(null, SCR_PARENT_FTS); } function ftsContextLoaded(ftsProjDirArr) { goOdinHunter = new HuginHunter(); goOdinHunter.aProjPathes = new Array(); var len = ftsProjDirArr.length; for(var i=0; i0) { context.resume(); } } context = new HuginContext(); context.reset(); context.push( goOdinHunter.query, goOdinHunter, processHunterResult, null ); context.resume(); } function changeResultView( a_strHTML ) { var resultDiv = getElement( gsResultDivID ); if(resultDiv ) { var resultDivParent = getParentNode( resultDiv ); if (!resultDivParent ) return; resultDiv.innerHTML = a_strHTML; rh.util.loadContentFilter(resultDiv); } } function displayTopics( a_QueryResult ) { var sHTML = ""; var sLine = ""; var szSearchStrings= rh.model.get(rh.consts('KEY_SEARCHED_TERM')); var sHighlight = "CLRF=" + gsHLColorFront + ",CLRB=" + gsHLColorBackground + ",HL="; var i = 0; if (g_CurPage < 1) g_CurPage = 1 ; if ( a_QueryResult != null ) { var strParams = "?" + RHHIGHLIGHTTERM + "=" + encodeURIComponent( szSearchStrings ) + "&" + RHSYNSTR + "=" + encodeURIComponent(gstrSyn); if(a_QueryResult.aTopics.length > 0) setResultsStringHTML(a_QueryResult.aTopics.length, _textToHtml_nonbsp(szSearchStrings)); var bShowAll = false; var nNumPages = 0; if(g_nMaxResult == -1) { i = 0; bShowAll = true; nNumPages = 1; } else { i = (g_CurPage-1)*g_nMaxResult; nNumPages = Math.ceil(a_QueryResult.aTopics.length / g_nMaxResult ); } if (checkResultDiv()) { // Old search widget workflow: Render html. for( ; (i < a_QueryResult.aTopics.length); i++ ) { if(bShowAll == false && i>=(g_CurPage*g_nMaxResult)) break; var szTopicURL = a_QueryResult.aTopics[i].strUrl; if(!_isRemoteUrl(szTopicURL)) { szTopicURL += strParams; } sLine += writeResult( szTopicURL, a_QueryResult.aTopics[i].strTitle, a_QueryResult.aTopics[i].nIndex, a_QueryResult.aTopics[i].strSummary, a_QueryResult.aTopics[i].rhTags, a_QueryResult.aTopics[i].strBreadcrumbs); if( i & 0xF == 0 ) { sHTML += sLine; sLine = ""; } } if( sLine.length > 0 ) sHTML += sLine; updateNavigationPagesBar(g_CurPage, nNumPages); updatePrevNextButtons(g_CurPage, nNumPages); } else { // New search widget workflow. Publish search results. rh.model.publish(rh.consts('KEY_SEARCH_RESULT_PARAMS'), strParams); rh.model.publish(rh.consts("KEY_SEARCH_RESULTS"), a_QueryResult.aTopics); } } if( a_QueryResult.aTopics.length == 0 ) { displayMsg(gsNoTopics); } changeResultView( sHTML ); } function scrollContentDiv(scrollTop) { var elem = document.getElementById('searchresults'); if(elem) { elem.scrollTop = scrollTop; } } function onClickPage( a_nPageNumber ) { g_CurPage = a_nPageNumber ; g_CurState = ECS_FOUND ; updateResultView(); scroll(0,0); scrollContentDiv(0); } //-- function displaySearchProgressBar( a_nProgress ) { var pb = getElement( 'SearchProgressBar' ); var pt = getElement( 'SearchProgress' ); if( !pb || !pt ) { var sHTML = "

" + gsSearching + " " + a_nProgress + "%

\n" + "
\n" + "

\n" + "
\n" + "


\n"; changeResultView( sHTML ); } else { setInnerHTML( pt, gsSearching + " " + a_nProgress + "%" ); = a_nProgress + "%"; } rh.model.publish(rh.consts('KEY_SEARCH_PROGRESS'), a_nProgress, {sync: true}); } function displayErrorMsg(msg) { changeResultView(""); updatePrevNextButtons(0, 0); updateNavigationPagesBar(0, 0); displayMsg(msg); } function updateResultView() { if ( g_CurState == ECS_SEARCHING ) displaySearchProgressBar( goOdinHunter.nProgress ); else if ( g_CurState == ECS_FOUND ) { displayTopics( goOdinHunter.queryResult ); } else if ( g_CurState == ECS_SEARCHFAILED ) displayErrorMsg( context.strMsg ); else if ( g_CurState == ECS_FATALERROR ) displayErrorMsg( context.strMsg ); else if ( g_CurState == ECS_CANCELED ) displayErrorMsg( gsCanceled ); } function checkResultDiv() { return getElement( gsResultDivID ) != null; } function processHunterResult( a_Context ) { if ( a_Context ) { updateResultView(); setTimeout( "processHunterResult();", 1 ); return; } rh.model.publish(rh.consts('EVT_SEARCH_IN_PROGRESS'), false, {sync: true}); rh.model.publish(rh.consts('KEY_SEARCH_PROGRESS'), null, {sync: true}); if ( goOdinHunter == null ) return; if ( !goOdinHunter.bSucc ) { g_CurState = ECS_SEARCHFAILED; updateResultView(); return; } g_CurState = ECS_FOUND; updateResultView(); } if (!window.gbTesting ) { if ( window.gbWhUtil && window.gbWhLang && window.gbWhVer ) { addRhLoadCompleteEvent(initializeSearch); gbWhFHost=true; } else { document.location.reload(); } } function utf8Compare(strText1,strText2) { var strt1=strText1; var strt2=strText2; try { strt1=strText1.toLowerCase(); } catch(er) { } try { strt2=strText2.toLowerCase(); } catch(er) { } if(strt1strt2) return 1; return 0; }