Sharing and Importing GPX data

When you've used Memory-Map for a while, you may find the screen becomes cluttered with too many tracks or marks. While you can turn off track recording, and delete individual marks and tracks, there are also some more powerful tools to help you manage your overlay data.

First, you can save your data in named files. To do this, go to the flip side view, touch the mark or track folder, touch Menu and Save all marks/routes/tracks. This will save the entire set of either marks, routes or track currently loaded. After saving the data, you might want to Delete All. This deletes all Marks or Tracks currently loaded in memory. It does not delete the saved files. (If you want to delete a file, use the blue disclosure button in the load or save file view).

Later, you might want to re-load the set of data you saved. Touch Menu and Load Saved Data in the mark or track folders.

If you have collected some data on the iPhone, and you want to store or analyze it on your desktop computer, use the Cloud Sync feature.

If you want to share your GPS data with other people, or use it in another app on your iPhone or iPad, tap on the item in the overlay list (or use the Edit command in the pop-up menu from the map screen), and click the Share button. This allows you to use AirDrop, email, Google Drive, or transfer it to any other app on the device that understands GPX data.

GPX is a open file format supported by Memory-Map's PC software as well as many other tools. The GPX data does not include the map images. For example you can transfer the data to a Garmin GPS, to use as a backup for your iPhone.

You can also transfer GPX data from your home computer to the iPhone, using Cloud Sync. This could be a route you have planned, or a set of points of interest you have compiled. There are also many websites that have trails and so on in GPX format.

If you receive a GPX file as an attachment in an email, you can tap on it, and the mail app will give you the option to open it with Memory-Map.

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