The Route Settings dialog (reached by double-clicking a route to view the route properties, then clicking the Settings button) allows you to change the time estimation parameters, and select various options for the Route Card generation.
Estimated Speed: assumed horizontal speed used estimate travel time.
Ascent time / Descent time: Time allowance for ascent and descent added to the horizontal distance/speed estimate of time. For hiking, the default values of 1 minute/10m for ascent and 0 for descent usually work well. For biking, you can put in a negative allowance for descent, as you go faster downhill. Experiment to find values that work for your activities.
Route Card:
Include overview map / elevation profile / thumbnail pictures: Enables or disables these elements of the route-card. NB, the currently selected map is always used. Please open the correct map before clicking the Route Card button. The size of the profile window viewed on screen is used in the route card.
Only include labeled waypoints: If you have a long, detailed route with many waypoints, you may not want them all listed in the route card. Instead, you can break the route up into stages using the "Show Name" checkbox in the waypoint properties. The names of your "stage" points are labeled on the map. When "Only include labeled waypoints" is checked, only these points are included in the route card.
Template: Advanced users who know how to edit HTML or other text formats, can customize the route card by changing the template file. The template is a text file containing tokens that the program replaces with fields from the route. The tokens are:
%^ |
Marks the beginning of the row. |
%$ |
Marks the end of the row. Contents between %^ and %$ are repeated for each waypoint |
%# |
Waypoint number. If you don't use %^ and %$, but instead provide a fixed number of rows in your template, the first token of each row must be %# |
%n |
Waypoint name |
%p |
Waypoint position (uses the format selected in the Mode menu) |
%c |
Waypoint comment |
%l |
Waypoint linked file name or URL |
%i |
HTML tag for a thumbnail image of the linked picture |
%e |
Elevation of waypoint |
%b |
Bearing between waypoints |
%d |
Distance between waypoints |
%a |
Ascent between waypoints |
%s |
Descent between waypoints |
%t |
Estimated time between waypoints |
%N |
Name of route |
%D |
Total route distance |
%A |
Total ascent |
%S |
Total descent |
%T |
Total estimated time |
%M |
HTML tag for overview map |
%P |
HTML tag for elevation profile |