Using custom mark icons





Memory-Map for All allows you to use custom icons to represent your overlay data.


If you've used custom icons in the MMNav program for Windows, the same icon files can be used in Memory-Map for All on all your devices.


You can design your own icons using a graphics editor, saving them in the SVG format (which is recommended for sharpest display on devices with different screen resolutions) or PNG format. BMP is supported for legacy compatibility but is not recommended.


Creating custom SVG icons


SVG stands for Scalable Vector Graphics, and it defines a graphic item that can be resized to fit the required screen resolution of the device. That is why we recommend using SVG if you are creating custom icons. You can use the free Inkscape graphics editor to create the icons.


SVG files should have a maximum viewbox of 32 x 32. In Inkscape, you can use File>New from Template>Other>Icon32x32 to create a new icon, or use the File>Document Properties, and ensure the width and height is 32 pixels. This dimension controls how large the icon is displayed in Memory-Map for All. You can use larger or smaller viewboxes if you want to make the icon appear larger or smaller.


Creating Colorizable SVG icons


You can use any colors you want in the SVG but certain specific colors are used to allow Memory-Map for All to change the color of the icon. The special colors are




If these colors appear in the SVG file using the exact representation given above, then they can be replaced with other selected colors.



Specifying the center position

If you just provide the graphic file (SVG or PNG), the geographic location where the icon is pinned (as you zoom the map) is assumed to be at the center of the image. You can specify another offset location using an "_xy.txt" file. This is a plain text file containing two floating point or integer numbers that specify the pinned coordinates in the icon image.

Importing Custom Icons

Place your custom icon files in their own folder without any other files. Then in MMfA, open the Overlays List , click the Menu  at the top right of the dialog, and select Custom Icons > Import. Select the folder containing the icons. Your icon files are copied into a special folder within the app, so if you want to make changes to the files, you have to re-import them into the app.

Using Custom Icons

You can select the custom icons by editing a Mark or Waypoint as normal. The custom icons are taken from the file names and appear at the bottom of the list after the standard icon names.

Sharing Custom Icons

When you share overlay data that uses your custom icons, the name of the icon is put into the GPX file, but the graphic representation is not included. That means the other person who opens the file won't have the correct representation and the mark will default to a Flag icon. You have to share your folder of custom icon data, and import it into the other device.





Next: Altitude Settings




Version 1.3.1.    Copyright © 2024 Memory-Map, Inc