The app allows use of a keyboard to access certain frequently used features.
Main app screen, (not editing layout)
•Page Up, Page Down : Change pages
•Q : Main menu. Cursor keys and enter may be used to navigate the menu
•L : Overlays List
Map screens
•Cursor keys : scroll map
•- or _ : zoom out
•+ or = : zoom in
•I, O : scale in or out
•M : Map List
•Del, Backspace: Delete the selected mark/waypoint
•Insert, N : Insert waypoint
•Enter or Esc : Done (finish route, etc)
•Home or G : GPS Lock
Editing layout
•Cursor keys : Move item
•Ctrl + cursor keys : Adjust item size
Any text field
•Standard system shortcuts: Ctrl-C Copy, Ctrl-V Paste, Ctrl-X Cut, Ctrl-Z Undo
Media Keys
•Volume +, Volume - : Zoom map
•Next Song , Prev Song : Change page
(Note, media keys don't work with iOS)
Next: Timer