Memory-map for All keeps maps stored in a secure folder that is internal to the app. If the internal storage on the device is sufficient for your map needs, we strongly recommend you just leave everything at the default settings.
Please understand that device operating systems strictly control what file locations apps are permitted to access, to protect the system from malware. If files are publicly accessible, a malicious app can disrupt or take control of another app. Often mistakes are made by the user, and a slip of the finger can remove valuable files. It is no wonder that map storage issues are one of our top technical support topics!
However, Memory-Map caters for all levels of computer proficiency, and we do permit you to change the map storage.
Windows, Mac and Linux
On the desktop computers, you can choose any directory to be used for Map Storage. Tap the Maps button then the Menu button , Map Storage > Set Map Folder. You can then browse to the storage location to be used for maps. Any maps already within the selected folder are added to the map list.
WARNING: Be careful what folder you select! The entire folder and all sub-folders are scanned every time the app starts, and whenever you click the Maps button. If you choose a slow network drive, or a folder like C:, the app will not respond for a long time and will not be usable!
Once the map folder has been changed, it is used as the destination for storing new maps downloaded from the Digital Map Store (or from My Online Maps), and when you copy maps in from a backup folder. Any maps that were previously installed in the internal folder remain where they are. If you want to move maps already downloaded, proceed as follows:
•If you've already changed the map folder, undo it by selecting Map Storage > Revert to Internal
•Now make a backup of the internal maps using Map Storage > Backup Maps To. Use your new maps folder as the destination of the backup (See Backup and Load Maps).
•No go ahead and Map Storage > Set Map Folder your new folder. You should see two copies of each map, one in internal, and one in the new folder.
•Finally, use Map Storage > Delete Duplicate Maps to remove the older copy of the maps.
On Android, the operating system can provide a secure app-specific storage area on a SD Card. To use this for maps, tap the Maps button then the Menu button , Map Storage > SD Card. This storage area is not shared with other apps, and is not visible to the user in a file explorer app. The only way to place maps on the SD Card is to download them or to copy them using the app.
When you change the map storage option, it is used as the destination for storing new maps installed from the Digital Map Store (or from My Online Maps), and when you copy maps in from a backup folder. Any maps that were previously installed in the internal folder remain where they are. If you want to move maps from internal to SD Card, you will need another storage location such as a thumb drive:
•If you've already changed the map to SD card, undo it by selecting Map Storage > Internal
•Now make a backup of the internal maps using Map Storage > Backup Maps To onto your thumb drive (See Backup and Load Maps).
•Now go ahead and do Map Storage > SD Card.
•Restore the backup using Map Storage > Copy Maps From
•Finally, use Map Storage > Delete Duplicate Maps to remove the older copy of the maps from internal storage.
•You can use Show Folders in the Maps menu to reorganize the map list by folder instead of by map type.
•The Map Info button on a folder shows the total size of maps within that folder, and allows you to delete all maps in the folder.
•Also, use the Map Info button for an individual map to see the storage path of the map file.
•Note that, unlike the old Android app, Memory-Map for All does not use the /Download/Memory-Map folder at all.
Next: Backup and load Maps from storage