Data import / export

File Formats

GPX - GPS eXchange - The recommended way of sharing your overlay data

CSV - Memory-Map's Comma Separated Value file. Data can be viewed and manipulated in Microsoft Excel, or other custom applications.

SHP - ESRI Shapefiles (widely used for professional GIS applications) Only points, polygons and polylines are supported, without any M or Z data.

LOC - Standard format used for Geocaching

MMO - Memory-Map's proprietary overlay object format. (Not recommended for sharing data dues to version compatibility issues. Not compatible with iPhone or Android apps)




For Shapefile Import/Export you need a Memory-Map Professional license.

For a description of the Shapefile Import/Export, click here...

CSV Format

The CSV (Comma Separated Value) format supports Marks/Waypoints, Routes, Tracks, Text and Icons. Each line starts with a two letter code identifying the type of object described, followed by two numbers that represent the format version of the line.

Each icon line of the file is in the form:


Symbol is an integer indicating the symbol type. It must be an integer larger than 100. Use the same number in the WP lines to create marks using your defined symbols. The line describing the icon must precede any marks that use that icon.

Name.bmp is the name of a bitmap file. It can be the full path, or path relative to the folder containing the CSV file. The bitmap must be 32 by 32 pixels, 16-color, and saved without compression.

Each mark / waypoint line of the file is in the form:


Lat & Lon are in decimal degrees, on the WGS84 datum, N and E are positive, S and W are negative.

Symbol is an integer indicating the symbol type. Experiment with exporting some samples to get the values. -1 means use the icon of the linked file.

Name is the text name, which may be shown on the map (use quotes if the name contains a comma)

Comment is the comment shown in the properties, in escaped form to allow line-breaks

File is the full path of the linked HotSpot filename

Radius is the alarm/circle radius in meters. Enter 0 for no circle.

Display is an integer that controls the "Show label" flag. A value of 1 does not show the name, a value of 0 does. (The logic got inverted, somehow)

Unique is the unique name used when programming a GPS. Each waypoint must have a different unique name. No punctuation, etc, allowed. This may be left empty.

Visible is 1 to show the mark, 0 to hide it

Locked is 1 to lock the mark, 0 to unlock it.

Category is the category for the mark. Objects are organized by category in the Overlay Properties dialog, and you can hide or show all marks in a particular category using the Overlay -> Show All / Hide All menu commands.

Circle is the circle or alarm type:
0 - no circle, 1 - passive circle (no alarm), 2 - Proximity alarm, 3 - Anchor alarm


Each Track line of the file is in the form:

TK01,Name,Category,visible, locked, n_points,closed_loop, color, partition_time, tick_interval, update_distance, update_interval

Name is the name of the track.

Category is the object category

Visible is 1 to show the mark, 0 to hide it

Locked is 1 to lock the mark, 0 to unlock it.

n_points is the number of trackpoints following (each trackpoint is on a separate line of the CSV file, starting with "TP")

closed_loop is 1 to indicate the track represents an enclosed area, otherwise 0

color is a decimal RGB value. (experiment with exports to find what values correspond with desired colors)

partition_time sets the maximum time between trackpoints (used when adding to the track)

tick_interval is the time interval in seconds between arrows drawn on the track.

update_distance sets the minimum distance between points when adding to the track.

update_interval sets the minimum time between points when adding to the track

Each track is immediately followed by the required number of track points:


Lat and Long give the position of the point.

Altitude is the height above the Geoid given by the GPS

Time is the number of seconds since 00:00hrs GMT,  Jan 1st, 1970

Speed is the speed in Knots (this field is computed from adjacent points, and is output as a convenience. It is ignored on input)

Course is the true direction of the track in degrees (this field is output as a convenience and is ignored on input)

Heartrate is a integer giving heart rate in beats per minute


Each Route line of the file is in the form:

RT01,Name,Category,visible, locked, label_legs

Name is the name of the track.

Category is the object category

Visible is 1 to show the mark, 0 to hide it

Locked is 1 to lock the mark, 0 to unlock it.

Label_legs is 1 to show the bearing and distance of each leg, otherwise 0.


Each route is immediately followed by the required number of waypoints:


Uniq is the unique name of the waypoint. (All waypoints must have been defined in the file before the routes that use them).


Each Text object is in the form:

TX01,Name,Category,visible, locked, lat, long, Text, FaceName, Height, Weight,Italic, Underline, text_color, bg_color, solid_bg, box_width, dt_flags

Name is the name of the track.

Category is the object category

Visible is 1 to show the mark, 0 to hide it

Locked is 1 to lock the mark, 0 to unlock it.

Lat and Long give the position of the point.

Text is the displayed text, in escaped form to allow line-breaks

FaceName is the name of the font

Height is the height of the font in pixels

Weight is 400 for normal, 700 for bold

Italic is 1 for Italic, 0 for normal

Underline is 1 for underlined, 0 for normal

text_color is a decimal RGB value for the text

bg_color is a decimal RGB value for the background

solid_bg is 1 to fill the box with the background color, 0 to leave it transparent

box_width is the maximum width of the box in pixels, if the multi-line option is enabled

dt_flags is a bit mask containing flags for the alignment and multi-line option