Scrolling and Zooming the map





To scroll the map, simply drag it with your finger on the touchscreen or with a mouse using the left button.

If you are using a touchpad to control the mouse pointer, you can drag the map using two fingers together on the touchpad.

If you have a keyboard, the cursor arrow keys may be used to scroll the map.

To zoom using a touchscreen or touchpad, use two fingers to "pinch" in or out.

The scroll-wheel on on a mouse is the best way to zoom in or out when using a desktop computer. Some high-end mice don't have a wheel, but honestly you are better off using a cheaper mouse with a wheel. Mice designed for PC work fine on a Mac.

You can also use the + and - buttons on the keyboard to zoom.

On some devices, the media Volume + and - buttons are yet another way to zoom.

Sometimes it is convenient to have a simple on-screen button to zoom in or out (for example when wearing gloves). These can be placed wherever convenient for you, using the Layout customization. By default they only appear on the second map page on tablet-size devices, but it is easy to add the buttons to any page.

In Memory-Map, the maps are raster images, often taken from a printed map. When we talk about zooming, we mean making that image larger or smaller. It doesn't change the contents of the map. When you zoom out, the text and other details on the map become smaller and when you zoom in they become larger. When you change the image to a different scale of map, you are viewing a different map in the map list. By default, the app will automatically change maps for you when you zoom in or out a certain amount, but this requires loading a suitable range of maps at different scales. You can turn this feature off in the Map Settings.

Changing maps with a touchscreen requires using the Map List  or just using the automatic change maps by zooming default.

With a mouse, you can right-click to see a list of the maps that cover that point at the cursor.

With a keyboard, you can use the I and O keys to scale in and out.



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Version 1.3.1.    Copyright © 2024 Memory-Map, Inc