Maps & Charts
Choose your map
A wide selection of digital maps and charts is available for use with Memory-Map GPS apps. In many cases, the maps retain the look and feel of your favorite paper maps or charts.
The Memory-map Digital Map Store
The Digital Map Store is an online catalog built into each of the apps, and searchable through this website. You can search by geographic area (using a basemap to scroll to the area you want to search), by type (Topo, Marine, 4WD, etc) or by keyword (placename or brand, etc).
Popular Maps from Around the World

UK & Europe

North America
Importing other maps
Using the Windows PC app, it is possible to import a variety of standard map files such as BSB or Geotiff, and you can import a scanned image or photo and calibrate it yourself in the app. This opens up a world of possibilities for custom cartography. Use of imported maps or images requires the purchase of a “Memory-Map Navigator” License.